Whoooooo, lordy it's hot here! Summer has arrived with a vengeance. We've gone from low 20's to high 30's practically overnight. As I write this on Sunday afternoon we are just a couple of degrees away from 40'C, which for you Fahrenheit people is 104'.
So my post on this months Daring Baker challenge is going to be short on words and heavy on photos. It's just too hot to think, and I am on Day Two of a Four Day Weekend (Woot!) and don't wanna be sitting at the computer.
Our hosts this month are Kelly of Sass & Veracity and Ben of What's Cooking?. Our challenge was “Danish Braid” from Sherry Yard’s The Secrets of Baking.
This is a two day recipe, and for the first time I made Laminated Dough - dough with layers of butter in between (like a baby version of Croissants). It was interesting and messy.
I guess maybe my butter was too soft or my dough needed more chilling time (although I followed the recipe) but the butter just squished everywhere on my first rolling. I threw it in the freezer for a while and the rest of the turn and rolls went much more smoothly.

The apple filling was to-die-for. If I'd been alone in the kitchen I might have eaten it all with a spoon.

I was absolutely thrilled with this recipe. It was straightforward, and other than sore hands from rolling the dough I had no problems. It tasted wonderful and I was very very happy with the look of it as well.
Recipe: Danish Braid
Thank you Kelly and Ben for such an enjoyable challenge this month!
So my post on this months Daring Baker challenge is going to be short on words and heavy on photos. It's just too hot to think, and I am on Day Two of a Four Day Weekend (Woot!) and don't wanna be sitting at the computer.
Our hosts this month are Kelly of Sass & Veracity and Ben of What's Cooking?. Our challenge was “Danish Braid” from Sherry Yard’s The Secrets of Baking.
This is a two day recipe, and for the first time I made Laminated Dough - dough with layers of butter in between (like a baby version of Croissants). It was interesting and messy.
Recipe: Danish Braid
Thank you Kelly and Ben for such an enjoyable challenge this month!