Tuesday, November 28, 2023

peppermints from the green binder

 This is a family friendly recipe that yields some pretty darn tasty homemade mints.  The first time we made these last year, my kids couldn't wrap their heads around the fact that you could make mints at home.  But you can and it's easy.  These made me remember the peppermint patties that my mom would make at Christmas - hers were green, to be festive, and the size of a small 2 bite cookie.  I haven't been able to locate her recipe, but I wonder if it was just a larger batch of this sort of recipe.

 1 cup icing sugar

2 tb soft butter

1/4 tsp peppermint extract

Combine the 3 ingredients in a mixer or food processor until mixed and crumbly.  Remove and knead with your hand until combined into a soft smooth dough, just a minute or 2.  Roll out into a long thin rope, and cut into small mints.  Spread out on a baking sheet to harden, then store.