Wednesday, November 01, 2023

3 things i made on saturday

 I always have a ton of windows open on my computer and my phone with recipes I want to try.  I have books laying out, marked up with lists and post it notes.  And then I struggle every day to find something to make for dinner.  So this Saturday I was like - Let's make some stuff!  The plan was 5 recipes.  The Girl and I went to the store for supplies and then came home and she scrammed off to do something more interesting, and I started making buns.

Not just any buns, Copycat Texas Roadhouse Rolls.  The Mister stood by frowning as someone other than HIM made bread as I put together the easy dough.  After a couple of rises, we were treated to these delicious looking beauties from the oven.

They were very very good, even without the cinnamon butter which I did not make but will make next time, for scientific purposes ONLY.

While the dough was rising I started on the Brown Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies.  And the first thing I did was to screw up and immediately start creaming the butter and sugar together, and to actually READ THE RECIPE and be reminded that I was supposed to melt the butter and brown it.  Ooops.  I had to stop a few times and work on lunch and supervising because The Girl had a friend over for lunch and a play-date and I had destroyed the kitchen with my baking so far.  The Boy appeared at this point was interested in helping for approximately 7 minutes before vanishing again, and I managed to get the cookies all baked, and my testers all approved.

It was then I knew I'd taken on too much that day.  On Thursday and Friday I'd had 3 vaccine shots - flu, covid and shingles (because I am an old), had one of the most stressful work weeks I've had in years, and had vicious nightmares the night before that kept me up most of the night.  I cleaned the kitchen, handed the play-date off to The Mister, and went and laid down with heating pad on my bed.  As soon as the friend went home, I closed my eyes and had a nap.  

Waking up and feeling alert after the nap was harder than it should have been, but I finally managed and staggered off to the kitchen to make soup for dinner.  Vegetable Pastina soup, found on the ole Ticky Toks.  The broth, so simple, was to die for, and the only problem was the stupid little pasta I'd chosen took over 20 minutes to cook and stuck to the bottom of the pot every time you stopped stirring.  But it was divine, everyone loved it, and I will buy new pasta and make it again soon.