Saturday, October 03, 2020

my favorites in september

 I will NOT talk about how quickly September flew by.  I will not.

On Prime -

Golden Girls

On Crave - 





 We are trying Hello Fresh!

I need some breaks somewhere and getting some help with meals and groceries sounds wonderful to me.  We had our first order this past week and not only did we love all 3 meals, we had leftovers from all 3, including the one we served to 5 people instead of 4 when The Grandpa came over.  We won't use it every week, but I am already excited to get another order in a few weeks.




Cucumber Mint Cooler from David Lebovitz



Whipped Frozen Lemonade from Eating Well

My current favorite hot sauce


My current favorite hot sauce on a bagel with garlic cream cheese and cucumber

My current favorite hot sauce on a BLT bagel

A very, VERY excellent read on the "leader" of the US and what it really means if you support it -

The Consequences of Your Actions