I visited Vancouver and Calgary recently and was lucky enough to eat Vietnamese food in both cities. It's my very favorite as you may know. Still nothing here that compares so I will have to continue to try to make my own, like this and this. I have started reading The Little Saigon Cookbook from cover to cover and have tried 2 recipes so far - Grilled Beef Slices with Chile, Lemongrass and Honey, and last night I made Chicken with Ginger and Garlic Rice. Both were excellent and easy to make. I will be cooking more out of this soon.
Paxton had his 6 month checkup and was given the all clear to start eating actual food. My baby is all grown up! I made the decision before he was born to make my own baby food and then as if she read my mind Ilva sent a book called Cooking for Baby as a gift when Paxton was born. I love the book, it has great advice and simple recipes. A couple of nights ago I prepared 3 recipes - pureed apples, pureed zucchini, and rice cereal. Paxton had a couple of spoons of pureed apples that night and seemed puzzled. Here he is in his highchair enjoying his first big boy meal. Sniff. I think I have something in my eye.

In addition to the Vietnamese cookbook and re-reading the Cooking for Baby book again, I've got 2 more baby food books to read, AND I've got 3 books to tell you about, hopefully soon.
I sort of half-heartedly followed the Kitchen Cure Spring 2010 on my own. I thought I did pretty well, got my counters and walls clean(er), washed my cabinet doors, and got more organized. I tossed out broken stuff, packed up a couple of boxes for the thrift store, and also got my pantry organized. I forgot to take a before picture though.

I have so many things to tell you about - food I've made, more things I've eaten for the first time (to add to my life list). I have ideas for posts, theme weeks. I want to share information on where I live. I just need to find the time and brain space. Time is moving so fast. I want it to stop, I want it to keep going. I can't wait to see what's ahead.
Paxton had his 6 month checkup and was given the all clear to start eating actual food. My baby is all grown up! I made the decision before he was born to make my own baby food and then as if she read my mind Ilva sent a book called Cooking for Baby as a gift when Paxton was born. I love the book, it has great advice and simple recipes. A couple of nights ago I prepared 3 recipes - pureed apples, pureed zucchini, and rice cereal. Paxton had a couple of spoons of pureed apples that night and seemed puzzled. Here he is in his highchair enjoying his first big boy meal. Sniff. I think I have something in my eye.
In addition to the Vietnamese cookbook and re-reading the Cooking for Baby book again, I've got 2 more baby food books to read, AND I've got 3 books to tell you about, hopefully soon.
I sort of half-heartedly followed the Kitchen Cure Spring 2010 on my own. I thought I did pretty well, got my counters and walls clean(er), washed my cabinet doors, and got more organized. I tossed out broken stuff, packed up a couple of boxes for the thrift store, and also got my pantry organized. I forgot to take a before picture though.
I have so many things to tell you about - food I've made, more things I've eaten for the first time (to add to my life list). I have ideas for posts, theme weeks. I want to share information on where I live. I just need to find the time and brain space. Time is moving so fast. I want it to stop, I want it to keep going. I can't wait to see what's ahead.