Sunday, June 19, 2022

small photo dump

 I'm not cooking anything interesting, I'm not reading hardly at all, we try not to drive anywhere unnecessary  because of the cost of gas.  I go for a daily walk but that's the extent of my self care.  I'm not drinking enough water - are my headaches stress related or from dehydration?  I get tired of saying this but holy crap, how quickly is this year going by???  The middle of JUNE already?  

The Boy has become obsessed with bubble tea and after a few excursions with his friends, he took his sister and me for some.  I haven't had bubble tea in years and years.  It was pretty good.  Saw a sign in the mall that there is a bubble tea place opening there this summer.  Kamloops is always behind on the trends.

What IS this?  I am truly drawing a blank.  It looks just terrible.  I don't think we ate it.  Why can't I remember this?

A couple of walk photos I guess I felt were important, a rock, and a good bumper sticker outside the bubble tea place.

I made the mac and cheese and pulled pork from the Unofficial Disney Parks Cookbook.  Very good and very easy.

We tried soup dumplings from Eastuff.  We did not like them.

I made these cauliflower and hallomi sandwiches from the Love and Lemons cookbook I borrowed from the library.. SO good.