Saturday, February 22, 2020

Work treats - Almond Joy Cups

Work has been very busy and stressful lately, so we put together a little group to bring in weekly treats for a month or so for a little pick me up.  
I was worried about what to pick because this is a larger group than my usual core work group than I bring treats for, and this larger group included vegans, gluten frees, AND gluten free vegans.

But right away I found a recipe that I'd saved on Pinterest that I would likely not have made otherwise because it's coconut heavy which is not a favorite of The Grandfather and one of my core group at work, AND it is vegan and gluten free, hooray!

These Almond Joy Cups are actually pretty easy and only 5 ingredients - coconut, maple syrup, coconut oil, almonds and chocolate!

I made a test batch for friends and family to sample and it was given the thumbs up, so I made 3 batches for the group with the help of The Mister, and the "help" of The Girl.  The Boy was waiting in the wings in case I needed another tester.

I added a pinch of salt and an extra splash of maple syrup to the coconut base and I liked it.

The treats were well received at work and I miscounted and brought in an extra 2 so, whoops, a bonus for the hard working cook!