Until I was in my 20's I hated spinach with a passion. I refused to eat it in any way, shape or form.
I can't remember what dish made me change my attitude towards this wonderful vegetable, but now it's one of my favorite foods, and this salad is one of my favorite ways to prepare it.
Spinach Salad
4 servings
1 bag spinach
1/4 lb mushrooms, cleaned and sliced
4 slices bacon chopped
2 tsp sugar
3 tb cider vinegar
3 tb water
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
Place the spinach and mushrooms in your serving bowl.
In a medium pan, fry the bacon until crisp. Remove the bacon from the pan and drain on paper towel. Add the rest of the ingredients to the bacon fat in the pan. Stir over medium heat until the dressing is hot and the sugar has dissolved.
Pour over the spinach, toss well and serve right away.
My dear froggie boy still doesn't like spinach cooked but I did actually getting him to eat spinach in salad.
I never thought I liked spinach either because of a horrid oily cheddar spinach strata fed to me in my youth. How pleasantly surpised I was when I ate some later and realized it was pretty darn good. Yet in all this time, I don't thing I've had this salad with bacon. I make a spinach salad with marinated red onions and oranges with a cider-vinegar dressing
I never liked spinach either, until I realized that it was'nt grown in a can. How could my parents do that to me? hehe
Seriously though, I love spinach and eat it at least twice a week, usually on pizza and or in spinach calzones...YUM!!!
I never like spinach till I was about 25...so I can relate. Now it is one of my favorite salads.
nerissa - I'd love to try your recipe, if you want to share!
annie - Scott doesn't like it as much as me, so that's how I sneak it to him - pizza, pasta, curry...
peabody - I was so picky when I was little (still am pretty picky), I could kick myself.
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