Saturday, June 03, 2006

Grilled Pineapple

I've seen lots of recipes for grilled pineapple, but most of them are dessert orientated with some sort of sweet sauce. I like my grilled pineapple plain, so I can do what I like with it. I made these slices to accompany some chicken fajitas I made. The leftovers were wonderful the next morning for breakfast.

Here's my $3.99 pineapple from Co-Op.

Cut off the top and bottom, so you have 2 stable work surfaces. Then start cutting off the rind from top to bottom. Don't worry about getting out all the eyes, you can go back for them later. Just make sure you get off all the outer peel.

When you have all the rind off, go back and cut out any remaining eyes.

Slice into rings 1/2 - 1 inch thick. You can cut the core out if desired.

Be careful when putting them on the grill. They may be a bit slippy.

Grill over medium heat until slightly charred and soft. Serve any way you like - sweet or savory.


Anonymous said...

That looks nice. I've never tried to barbeque pinapple before. Thanks for the tip

Anonymous said...

I love grilled pineapple!!

it's only fuel said...

slippery rogue pineapple photo is funny:)