Tuesday, August 06, 2024

our vacation this year - Harrison BC

 We spent some time in Harrison this summer when it was a billion degrees.  But we still had a good time.  Thank goodness for pools.

On the way we stopped at Hope and after all these years, stopped to see all the Rambo statues and photo ops.

 We went for lovely walks at night, saw bats and heard mysterious sounds from the woods and lake.

We went on a boat!

Spent a lot of time at and in the water, and ate lots of food.  Lots.

A new restaurant we went to this time was Taco Rio.  We went there on what I think was the hottest day of our trip, and everyone was feeling queasy from the heat.  But we soldiered through and had what I think was the best meal of our trip.  These are my tacos - a beef taco and a cauliflower taco.  The cauliflower taco was THE BEST taco I have had in years.  The beef was not far behind.

The Mister had an Al Pastor pork taco and a shrimp taco.  He thought his were better than mine, but he was incorrect.

The kids had the cheesiest quesadillas I've ever seen, and pico and chips.

We ate breakfast at Basecamp Cafe most mornings, went to our usual Vietnamese and Indian restaurants - (always so good), had pizza and ice cream, fruit and cheese, and the kids and I enjoyed some virgin caesars by the pool and on the boat while The Mister had the real thing, and I soaked up all the moments I could with these kids that are growing like weeds.  The years, they go fast.

That's our only away holiday this summer - we were contemplating a trip to Jasper just before the fires hit the town.  I'm hoping I can convince The Teenager to come out of his room a few more times this summer for some day trips.  Fingers crossed.