Wednesday, July 26, 2023

pantry clean up

 The hideous before photo of our gross messy pantry where ingredients and supplies get swallowed up, never to be seen again.

 It took 2 days, all of my patience, a trip to Canadian Tire for expense bins, trips to 2 separate dollar stores for cheaper supplies and a few schmamazon purchases and multiple arguments with The Mister about expired foods we found, but it ended up looking much better.

 Behold some of my expensive panicked container purchases from Canadian Tire.  And my first brown sugar saver!

 It looks/looked so good, so tidy....and not much room for more food, which has proven to be both good and bad.  And the kids don't give a hoot about putting things back in the bin/category/area that whatever they grabbed came from, so it got messy fast, and I'm getting tired of tidying it every day.