Sharp-eyed readers might have noticed that last month I added a new logo to my side bar for the Daring Bakers. It's true; hell has frozen over and I was invited to join the baking club full of some of my favorite bloggers.
You may have seen it all start way back in November when Lis of La Mia Cucina and Ivonne of Creampuffs in Venice joined forces to make pretzels. Their baking group grew monthly and in addition to the pretzels they've also tried their hands at biscotti, croissants, flourless chocolate cake and red velvet cake.
There are now 30 members, and this months' challenge, my first, was a particularly frightening one, chosen by Brilynn - Martha Stewart's Darkest Chocolate Crepe Cake. Now go and take a look at that picture. Would you be at all surprised to learn that upon seeing that picture I turned to Scott and said "I can't do this!"?
Luckily Scott insisted that I give it a try. So I began to work on what is most certainly the most labor intensive recipe I have ever made before.
Day 1 - I make the crepe batter. As I had heard that some of the other DB's were having trouble with the crepes, I decided to chill the batter overnight, hoping somehow that would make it easier to work with.
Day 2 - It may have worked, as after two hours (!!!!!!) of standing at the stove I have 33 fairly presentable crepes of the same size. I am too sick of being in the kitchen to do anymore that night.
Day 3 - It's time to make the filling, the glaze and assemble the whole thing. Scott picks up takeout for dinner, and by the time he gets home I have the glaze cooling outside, the whipped cream chilling, and the filling almost complete. As I have never heard of Hazelnut Cream before, I substitute Nutella. Making the filling involves using my candy thermometer which I have owned for 6 years and never used before. The filling is incredibly delicious but so rich my eyes nearly pop out of my head. That doesn't stop me from continuing to sneak tastes though.
We start our tower, layering the filling between the crepes. About halfway through the filling I start to worry that we won't have enough filling for all the crepes. Scott goes into the fridge to get me a beverage (to keep up my strength!) and finds the whipped cream I forgot to mix into the filling.

Argh! We mix it in to the remaining filling and use up 29 crepes before the filling runs out. The edges of the crepes didn't get much filling on them so the outside of the cake is uneven and flimsy. We glaze it as best we can, then let it sit to set while we run out to buy strawberries. I don't want to push my luck by trying to make the candied hazelnuts on top of Martha's cake.

We fling some berries on to decorate the cake and then can't wait any longer. We cut a piece to try. It is good, quite good, but incredibly rich. The two of us are not able to finish the piece.

I wrap up the cake and put it in the fridge.
Day 4 - The cake (which is so heavy! I should have weighed it.) and I go to work and we are stopped repeatedly in the halls and elevator by people looking at the cake. Two ladies from another floor ask if they can come up for coffee and I tell them where my office is. I have 11 cake testers that day and every one of them (including my boss!) really like it. Early the next morning the last piece was eaten by my co-worker. It was a success.
Thank you to all the Daring Bakers for allowing me to join your ranks, and a special thanks to Mary, Lis and Ivonne.
I can't wait to see what delicious challenge next month brings!
All the Daring Bakers who took part in this month's challenge are posting about the cake today, Sunday April 29. Please go and check them out.
You may have seen it all start way back in November when Lis of La Mia Cucina and Ivonne of Creampuffs in Venice joined forces to make pretzels. Their baking group grew monthly and in addition to the pretzels they've also tried their hands at biscotti, croissants, flourless chocolate cake and red velvet cake.
There are now 30 members, and this months' challenge, my first, was a particularly frightening one, chosen by Brilynn - Martha Stewart's Darkest Chocolate Crepe Cake. Now go and take a look at that picture. Would you be at all surprised to learn that upon seeing that picture I turned to Scott and said "I can't do this!"?
Luckily Scott insisted that I give it a try. So I began to work on what is most certainly the most labor intensive recipe I have ever made before.
Day 1 - I make the crepe batter. As I had heard that some of the other DB's were having trouble with the crepes, I decided to chill the batter overnight, hoping somehow that would make it easier to work with.
Day 2 - It may have worked, as after two hours (!!!!!!) of standing at the stove I have 33 fairly presentable crepes of the same size. I am too sick of being in the kitchen to do anymore that night.
Day 3 - It's time to make the filling, the glaze and assemble the whole thing. Scott picks up takeout for dinner, and by the time he gets home I have the glaze cooling outside, the whipped cream chilling, and the filling almost complete. As I have never heard of Hazelnut Cream before, I substitute Nutella. Making the filling involves using my candy thermometer which I have owned for 6 years and never used before. The filling is incredibly delicious but so rich my eyes nearly pop out of my head. That doesn't stop me from continuing to sneak tastes though.
We start our tower, layering the filling between the crepes. About halfway through the filling I start to worry that we won't have enough filling for all the crepes. Scott goes into the fridge to get me a beverage (to keep up my strength!) and finds the whipped cream I forgot to mix into the filling.

Argh! We mix it in to the remaining filling and use up 29 crepes before the filling runs out. The edges of the crepes didn't get much filling on them so the outside of the cake is uneven and flimsy. We glaze it as best we can, then let it sit to set while we run out to buy strawberries. I don't want to push my luck by trying to make the candied hazelnuts on top of Martha's cake.

We fling some berries on to decorate the cake and then can't wait any longer. We cut a piece to try. It is good, quite good, but incredibly rich. The two of us are not able to finish the piece.

I wrap up the cake and put it in the fridge.
Day 4 - The cake (which is so heavy! I should have weighed it.) and I go to work and we are stopped repeatedly in the halls and elevator by people looking at the cake. Two ladies from another floor ask if they can come up for coffee and I tell them where my office is. I have 11 cake testers that day and every one of them (including my boss!) really like it. Early the next morning the last piece was eaten by my co-worker. It was a success.
Thank you to all the Daring Bakers for allowing me to join your ranks, and a special thanks to Mary, Lis and Ivonne.
I can't wait to see what delicious challenge next month brings!
All the Daring Bakers who took part in this month's challenge are posting about the cake today, Sunday April 29. Please go and check them out.