Thursday, September 12, 2024

cookbook cleanup - books 59-61

 Sometimes I am just a few breaths away from getting rid of every single cookbook I own as they sit there mocking me, full of recipes I will most likely never make because my kids are picky as hell and I have no time or desire to cook elaborate meals.

And then I just ignore them once again and carry on with my day.

I was cleaning off the bookshelves to donate to the upcoming Symphony Book Sale, and as much as I wanted to sweep armfuls of cookbooks into boxes to donate, I realized that most of them I am just not ready to let go of yet.  

Maybe I should (re)read them one more time.  What if THE best recipes are lurking somewhere in the pages and I haven't tried them yet?

 Fortunately/unfortunately, I did let go of these 3.  I am feeling badly about getting rid of Smoke and Pickles and Vegan Lunch Box - I like them both, BUT I'm just not going to cook out of them.  I can't afford or get most of the ingredients in S&P, and as much as I love VLB, it's just not the fit for my silly family.

Back on the bookshelf - 21 Donated -40