Saturday, July 27, 2024

blueberry season is the best season

 I LOVE BLUEBERRIES and I'm always excited when the BC berries show up at the stores.  

 We bought a 5 pound box and so far have had berries and cream, berries on their own, blueberry lemonade, berries on ice cream, and blueberry pancakes.

After years of waiting for the Kodiak Pancake Mix to be on sale at Costco, I gave up and bought a box at regular price.  For an unknown reason, I was convinced that they were going to taste exactly like the pancakes that I had for breakfast every morning when we went to Tofino when I was pregnant with The Girl.  They were the only things that kept me going on that trip and I've wished for all these years I could have them or something similar again.

Sadly, these were not it, but were dang tasty 'cakes.