Tuesday, November 20, 2018

I tried.....to be more positive

I always love a project, although to be honest most of the time time they fall apart or get abandoned part way through but hey, at least I'm optimistic?
My latest project, decided at 4 in the morning one weekend while avoiding existing projects screaming for my attention like laundry and organizing - try things.
I know!  I'm a trendsetter.

There are things I want to try, things I want to get back to doing regularly, things I know I should be doing.....so maybe if I document some of them here, it might work.  Unlikely, but there is always hope.

Here is my first one - sourced from a tweet from Yoko Ono 9 years ago - Say nothing negative about anyone for 3 days.

Her full tweet is  Try to say nothing negative about anybody for three days, for forty-five days, for three months. See what happens to your life.

And I get that!  It is totally easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and let then wash over you.   And man, it just seems like the media and world is wired to all things negative right now.  We don't need to add to that shit.  Really, why would you want to?

So I said nothing negative about anyone for 3 days - out loud.  And in my head, when my thoughts went that way, instead of going with it like I usually would have, I stopped myself, took a pause and reassessed the way I felt.  Instead of getting annoyed with a coworker who was ignoring my email EVEN THOUGH I COULD SEE SHE WAS RIGHT THERE I took a breath and thought huh, she must be busy.  If I don't hear from her my tomorrow I'll have to remind her I'm waiting for those papers.  And moved on instead of stewing about it.  When someone threw a wrench in my carefully laid plans and I had to reorganize my busy day I changed my thoughts to - it's nice to be able to be there for someone and to help out.
It doesn't always work and it isn't always easy but I'm making progress and that is amazing.
10 tips to overcome negative thoughts
This is how you actually change negative thoughts
10 tips to make positive thinking easy