Thursday, November 16, 2006


Look at all my beautiful treats I received courtesy of Canadian Blogging By Post 2! I was paired up with the lovely Brilynn of Jumbo Empanadas. Besides a very sweet letter, Brilynn included some wonderful gifts from her garden and some local homemade chocolates!
From the left: Apple Butter, which I can't wait to try - I've never had it before, Wild Cherry Syrup, yummy Chocolates that have almost all been eaten, dried Morels from Brilynn's property and Zucchini Relish made from her Mom's recipe.

Thanks so much, I can't wait to start digging into some of this on the weekend. And Brilynn, you'll have to send me a recipe for what to do with the morels. I've never had them before and don't want to waste them.

Also, a big thanks to Jasmine at Confessions of a Cardamom Addict for hosting CBBP2. Thanks for asking me to take part!


Brilynn said...

I'm so glad you like everything and that it got there in one piece! Buying the chocolates for you was also an excuse to buy chocolates for me so everybody wins!! The morels are wonderful in cream sauces over meat or noodles, or in pasta sauce instead of regular mushrooms... there are so many different ways to use them!

breadchick said...

OH MAN, I'm SOOO jealous to not be Canadian (for oh so many reasons). Am I ALMOST Canadian since I was born and raised in the UP of Michigan (45 miles WEST of Sault St. Marie), spent lots of time in the clubs in the Soo during my teenage years and the UP IS considered the "lost Providence" afterall? What a great package! Especially the yummy looking morels.

Anonymous said...

Amazing, never had apple butter! I love apple butter and I think I'd love everything in your package.
You are a lucky girl...enjoy every bite!!

jasmine said...

What a great package--love all the home-made goodies.

You've never had applebutter before? Down here we've got an apple butter festival in the autumn--but I'm sure Brilynn's is much better than what you can get at the festival :)


Sara said...

Brilynn - thanks again!

Mary - I hereby declare that you are an honorary Canadian! Now go eat some Smarties or Poutine.

Tanna and Jasmine - we are cracking open the apple butter tomorrow morning to have on our english muffins. I'll keep you posted!